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     Hello, I am Easton Beezley. Ever since I was 4, I have been singing in front of my church. And ever since the first time I knew this is what I wanted to do. But when I first started I didn't know that music could be a job, until I went to my first southern gospel concert. The night I saw The Lesters preform on stage was the night I learned that music can be a career. And ever since then this is what I wanted to do. I ended up becoming good friends with The Lesters and even had the honor to sing with them a few times when I was younger.

     As I got older, my passion for music grew and grew as I continued to learn more and get better at singing. But after a while I knew that I wanted to do more in music than just sing. Thats when my cousin tought my first chords on the guitar. Since then I have learned guitar, ukulele, and I am starting piano.

     Shortly after learning my first chords on guitar. I started to write my own songs. While I have written songs before that. They were bad and for about a year I gave up on writing. But after learning guitar I decided to try it again. But it doesn't end there. My thirst for music still grew from there.

     Thats when I met a man named Jason Jones (you can find him on youtube at Magic Jones). I watched his live streams of him creating songs in his studio and it inpsired me. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. So I bought a cheap mic and got Studio One Prime and started learning how to produce.

     After producing for only a few months. My friend Ronni sent me a package that would help me greatly in reaching my goal of becoming a producer. When I found out about the studio set that she bought for me, I dropped my phone and totally freaked out. This wonderful gift is the reason I was able to reach my goal of releasing a single. 


     Now, I am 16 years old. A guitarist, ukulele player, singer, songwriter, and producer. My passion and love for Christ and music is still growing. I hope you enjoy my music. May God Bless you all! 

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